Snapshot of Jordan Education System
The Ministry of Education is responsible for school education in Jordan, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research is responsible for higher education in Jordan. The education in Jordan begins with pre-primary, followed by 10-year compulsory basic education, then secondary education and higher education.
Overview of Jordanian Education System
School Education in Jordan
Period of Compulsory Education
- Duration: 10 years
- Entry Age: 6
- Exit Age: 16
Pre-Primary Education
Pre-primary education in Jordan is optional, and is offered by kindergartens and preschools. The pre-primary educational institutions provide an appropriate education environment that helps children to gain sound health habits, and develop positive attitude towards studies and social relationships. Children are prepared for a smooth transition from home to school.
- Duration: 2 years
- Ages: 4 to 6 years
Basic Education
Basic education in Jordan is compulsory and free of charge. This educational level work towards the development of children emotionally, physically, socially, intellectually, creatively and spiritually. Basic education in Jordan provides basic arithmetic and language skills. Also, science and the environment, history and the Arab world, fine arts, and a foreign language is taught.
- Duration: 10 years
- Ages: 6-16
- Grades: 1 to 10
Secondary Education
Secondary education in Jordan is optional. Students who have finished 10-year compulsory basic education are eligible for secondary education in Jordan.
Curriculum: Mathematics, chemistry, Arabic, computer studies, biology, English, earth science, physics and social studies. Islamic studies is compulsory.
Secondary education in Jordan consists of 2 educational streams:
- Comprehensive secondary education
- Applied secondary education
Comprehensive Secondary Education
This stream prepares students for higher education, and comprises of academic/general and vocational secondary education.
Academic/ General secondary education: This track qualifies pupils for entry into the universities in Jordan. This stream offers 2 options- scientific and literary. 14 subjects are offered in literary stream and 12 in the scientific stream. There are both compulsory and elective subjects.
- Duration: 2 years
- Ages: 16 to 18
- Credential awarded: General secondary education certificate (Tawjihi)
Vocational secondary education: Vocational secondary education prepares students for entry into the community colleges/universities or for workforce. This type of secondary education is provided in following types of schools: hotel service, commercial, nursing, industrial, home economics, and agricultural.
- Duration: 2 years
- Ages: 16 to 18
- Credential: Completion certificate
At the end of secondary education, pupils must undertake general secondary exam (Tawjihi) in the appropriate stream. Students who pass the exam are awarded the General Secondary Education Certificate (Tawjihi)
Applied Secondary Education
The Vocational training corporation manages the applied secondary education in Jordan. This stream of secondary education provides intensive vocational training and apprenticeship, and upon completion of the training, a certificate of completion of the vocational training/apprenticeship is awarded.
Higher Education in Jordan
Students who have the general secondary education certificate are qualified for admission to higher education in Jordan.
Higher education in Jordan is offered by public as well private higher education institutions, which are community colleges and universities.
Universities in Jordan offer a wide range of courses of study at the bachelor, master and doctorate level of studies.
- Bachelor programmes generally are of 4 years duration; in the field of engineering, dentistry and pharmacy are 5 years, and 6 years in the field of medicine.
- Master’s programme is of 1-2 years duration and requires completion of the bachelor degree programme. Some of the universities in Jordan follow French and German degree system. The French system leads to a DEA degree, while the German system awards a Magister degree.
- Doctorate degree is of 3-5 years, depending on the field of study.
Teacher EducationTeacher education falls under the university system. All teachers must get a bachelor degree. Secondary teachers must hold a higher diploma in education along with the bachelor’s degree.
Community colleges in Jordan offer 2-year intermediate-level programmes, and prepare students for middle-level professions.